Eyelid Surgery in White Plains and Westchester County

Signs of aging around the eyes can begin to appear even in earlier adulthood. Even small changes can lead to a tired look to the eyes or even the entire face. Eyelid surgery allows you to revitalize and rebuild a youthful appearance that will last for years. As a leading oculofacial surgeon, Dr. Mahsa Sohrab provides fully tailored eyelid surgery in White Plains and Westchester County.

Picture of side view of a female model

What Types of Eyelid Surgery Do We Provide?

Upper Eyelid Surgery

At a Glance: Improves heavy eyelids and excess skin to restore a youthful eye appearance.

Upper eyelid heaviness is caused by excess skin and pockets of fat, and many people find that the aging process leaves them with a perpetually tired appearance. Upper blepharoplasty repositions the eyelid tissues to create a newly refreshed appearance. Your eyes can look larger, more alert, and balanced with your facial structure.

Lower Eyelid Surgery

At a Glance: Tightens and evens out under-eye concerns for a more alert appearance.

Bags, dark circles, loss of volume, and more can all impact the lower eyelid area over time. Lower blepharoplasty focuses on removing fat deposits and tightening the area so patients no longer look perpetually fatigued. We know you do not feel tired on the inside, so you should not have to look like it on the outside.

Quad Blepharoplasty

At a Glance: Combines upper and lower eyelid surgery benefits.

Aging rarely has the mercy to affect only one part of the body. Many patients will have concerns about both their upper and lower eyelid areas, making quad blepharoplasty the ideal solution. This procedure combines both upper and lower eyelid surgery into a single procedure for comprehensive results.

Picture of a smiling female model

Is Eyelid Surgery
Right for Me?

Dr. Sohrab provides eyelid surgery for women and men alike, tailoring the procedure to match your individual goals for your appearance. If a tired or aged appearance continues to impact your self-image, then eyelid surgery is likely the right choice. The first step is to work with Dr. Sohrab during a consultation visit to explore your treatment options. She will go over your individual situation and goals to build a tailored treatment plan that crafts the appearance you want.

Dr. Sohrab is wonderful and has wonderful staff and a very calming office as well. Overall, unquestionably the best medical experience I have ever had.
– Chauncey M.

Upper Blepharoplasty Before & Afters

58 year old woman who was bothered by her upper eyelid appearance. She underwent in-office upper eyelid blepharoplasty and internal browpexy. After photos show results at 1 month post-surgery. Results can last 10 years.
55 year old woman who was bothered by her upper eyelid appearance. She underwent upper eyelid blepharoplasty and internal browpexy. After photos show results at 3 months post-surgery.
Picture of a a single eye of a female model

What Is the Eyelid Surgery Process Like?

Though each procedure has individual personalized elements, the overall structure will be similar. Dr. Sohrab will go over your plan’s individual features before your surgery so you will know precisely what to expect.


Patients will have local anesthetic or sedation. Local anesthetic is often preferred, but the right option depends on your needs and health. Either way, we ensure you feel no pain during surgery, with both options providing a safer patient experience.


The surgical process involves tiny incisions that are made in the eyelid’s natural creases. This keeps any scarring out of sight. The incisions allow Dr. Sohrab to reposition tissues to create a tighter, more youthful contour.


A single procedure should take between 1 and 2 hours, but quad eyelid surgery may be about 3 hours on average. Dr. Sohrab will provide a personalized time frame ahead of your surgery based on your procedure details.


Eyelid surgery is an outpatient procedure, so you can return home the same day. However, you are welcome to rest in a comfortable recovery room until you are ready to go home.

Testimonial Image
After having a mild stroke in February, my husband’s eyelids were drooping enough to affect his range of vision. Dr. Sohrab did upper blepharoplasty which resulted in lifting of his upper eyelids, restoring his vision. ( We were also diligent in applying frozen peas in snack size plastic zip loc bags that I had prepared ahead of time and using additional pillows to elevate his head, no lowering of his head to tie shoe laces or pick up things from the floor.)
– Sue G.


212 Total Reviews

What Is the Recovery Period for Eyelid Surgery?

The initial recovery period entails about 1 to 2 weeks of downtime away from work. Most swelling, bruising, and pain should fade by the end of this period. However, full recovery can take several months (though you will not have limitations for most of this period). This later period mostly entails waiting for residual swelling to fade.

Key elements of a quick and complication-free recovery include:

  • Following all your post-procedure instructions from Dr. Sohrab
  • Visiting Dr. Sohrab for all your follow-up appointments
  • Asking any questions if you have trouble with your healing
  • Gradually returning to your physical routine according to your surgeon’s instructions

When Can I See Blepharoplasty Results?

Seeing Initial Results

Your first benefits should begin to appear after about 2 weeks, once most swelling and bruising are gone. You should now look younger, refreshed, and renewed.

Seeing Final Results

Final results depend on when all residual swelling fades. Though this swelling is not noticeable in itself, it still needs to fade before your tissues fully settle into their permanent positions. This can take about 3 months for most patients.

Your Results Duration

Dr. Sohrab designs her procedures to maximize result longevity. She wants you to look great not only today but also years down the line. Upper eyelid surgery can last for about 5 to 7 years on average. For lower eyelid surgery, results usually last 10+ for many patients. Good skin care and a healthy routine are ideal for prolonging your benefits.

Schedule Your Consultation

Eyelid surgery allows patients to reclaim their appearance and look a way that matches how they feel. Start your journey today by scheduling a consultation for eyelid surgery in White Plains and Westchester County with Dr. Sohrab.