How Dermal Fillers Boost Confidence

In today’s modern world, where people are usually judged by the way they look and dress, feeling confident in one’s appearance can have a great impact on one’s personal, professional, and social life. The problem is that people age, and aging can cause the skin to lose its volume, hydration, and elasticity. It is natural that you will lose the youthful appearance of your skin as you grow older. It is also normal if you feel less confident when meeting new people or socializing with old friends, you have not seen for a long time.

The good news is with the advancements in cosmetic technology, people now have a lot of options to choose from when it comes to managing the symptoms of aging. In addition, the increasing availability of licensed and skilled professionals like our leading plastic surgeon in Greenwich ensures that patients have no problem getting the services they need and are able to achieve satisfactory results. One of the popular options at present is dermal fillers. If you are one of the many whose confidence is slowly taking a dip because of the signs of aging, it would be good to understand how dermal fillers boost confidence.

Understanding Dermal Fillers

These fillers are used by plastic surgeons on patients who need to add volume and create contours on the face wherever they are needed. They are injected into the skin to restore volume, smoothen fine lines, and soften creases. These fillers which are also known as facial fillers provide a temporary, non-surgical solution to patients who want to have a younger and revitalized appearance.

How Dermal Fillers Boost Confidence

They address signs of aging.

Wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging skin develop when the skin loses collagen and elastin. When dermal fillers are injected into the skin, they can counteract the signs of aging by restoring volume and elasticity, smoothing out wrinkles, and plumps areas that have lost their fullness, resulting in a youthful, fresher look. This new look gives patients their confidence back.

They enhance facial features

Aside from addressing signs of aging, dermal fillers are also used to enhance natural facial features. They are also used to define contours and contour jawlines, helping patients to achieve a more balanced and harmonious facial structure. The alignment of an individual’s appearance to their aesthetic goals will naturally boost their self-confidence.

The results are immediate and long-lasting

Because the results are usually seen almost immediately after treatment, the patient can experience instant gratification. This will give the patient’s self-confidence an immediate boost. In addition, these results can last from 6 months to about 5 years depending on the product used.

They reduce the visibility of depressed scars

The problem with scars is usually not about discoloration but about the texture of the skin. It is good to know that if your acne has left you with a depressed scar, you are not going to be stuck with it forever. There is a solution. Dermal fillers are actually recommended by the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery for this problem.

Dermal fillers can minimize the visibility of your scars and even have the potential to eliminate them

With less visible scars, a patient can regain whatever confidence they have lost before the scarring took place.

Side Effects of Dermal Fillers

Patients may experience swelling which peaks within the first 24 hours and may last 7 to 10 days. Patients may have minor bruising.

Where Dermal Fillers Are Used

  • On the lips for lip augmentation
  • On the nose to create an aesthetically-looking bridge without the patient undergoing rhinoplasty
  • On the cheeks to contour the cheekbones
  • Around the mouth to smoothen fine lines and soften wrinkles
  • On the temples, if hallowing has occurred
  • Under the eyes to remove the tired look that hallowing creates
  • On the chin area to create some volume and definition

Cost of Dermal Fillers

The variety of filler brands available in the market gives people a lot of flexibility where cost is concerned. The cost depends on the longevity of the results. The longer the results are, the higher the cost would be. Aside from that, the experience of the one injecting the filler should also be taken into consideration. And even if more affordable options are available, remember that when it comes to your face and body, you have to choose the best. Make sure that only qualified medical professionals will touch your face.

Boost Your Confidence with Dermal Fillers

If you have been struggling with your self-confidence due to the effects of aging on your face, there is a non-surgical method that can counter the signs of aging so you can get your confidence back.  Contact us today so we can talk about your unique needs and goals. This will allow us to give you an individualized dermal filler treatment that can provide the results you desire.