Darien Eyelid Surgery

Addressing signs of aging around the eyes requires expertise and a refined approach. Even minor adjustments can lead to drastic changes in appearance, requiring a keen eye for aesthetics and facial harmony.  As a board-certified oculoplastic surgeon, Dr. Mahsa Sohrab incorporates these qualities into the foundation of every blepharoplasty procedure. As a leader in eyelid surgery in Darien, she creates tailored procedure plans for natural-looking, dynamic results.

Picture of side view of a female model

What Are the Types of Eyelid Surgery?

Upper Eyelid Surgery

What It Improves: Signs of aging such as excess skin and sagging eyelids.

Sagging or heavy-appearing upper eyelids can obscure the eye and lead to a disinterested appearance. Upper blepharoplasty removes excess skin and tightens the tissues to create a more expressive, alert, and youthful appearance to the eyes.

Lower Eyelid Surgery

What It Improves: Under-eye concerns like loss of volume and a tired appearance.

The lower eyelid area is notorious for lending patients a tired look when it loses volume or has fat deposits. Concerns like dark circles, bags, and thinning skin can all be improved with lower blepharoplasty.

Quad Blepharoplasty

What It Improves: Cosmetic concerns for both upper and lower eyelids for both eyes.

Signs of aging are rarely limited to one area around the eyes. Quad eyelid gives patients the opportunity to address multiple concerns in a single procedure with both upper and lower eyelid surgery. Dr. Sohrab designs quad procedures with particular care to ensure the appearance of the upper and lower eyelids complement each other.

Picture of a smiling female model

Is Eyelid Surgery
Right for Me?

Blepharoplasty results can be a rejuvenating experience for patients. If you have been struggling with a tired or aged appearance that is at odds with your self-image, then eyelid surgery is likely right for you. Dr. Mahsa Sohrab consults personally with each patient to explore treatment options and learn about your expectations. Based on your discussion and the goals you outline, she can build you a personalized treatment plan for a fully renewed appearance.

Dr. Sohrab is wonderful and has wonderful staff and a very calming office as well. Overall, unquestionably the best medical experience I have ever had.
– Chauncey M.

Upper Blepharoplasty Before & Afters

58 year old woman who was bothered by her upper eyelid appearance. She underwent in-office upper eyelid blepharoplasty and internal browpexy. After photos show results at 1 month post-surgery. Results can last 10 years.
55 year old woman who was bothered by her upper eyelid appearance. She underwent upper eyelid blepharoplasty and internal browpexy. After photos show results at 3 months post-surgery.
Picture of a a single eye of a female model

What Does an Eyelid Surgery Procedure Look Like?

Every procedure Dr. Sohrab performs is fully tailored and adapted to bring out the precise results you want to see. While this means each procedure will vary, a typical experience will look like:


We start with either local or general anesthesia, depending on your situation. In either case, you can expect to experience no pain from start to finish.


Dr. Sohrab creates tiny incisions hidden in the eyelid’s natural creases to avoid visible scarring. Using these incisions she will remove excess skin, remove or redistribute fat deposits, and tighten existing tissues.


Patients can expect about 1 to 2 hours for their procedure, depending on complexity. Quad eyelid surgery is between 2 to 4 hours. Dr. Sohrab will outline what your procedure will look like ahead of time so you can plan accordingly.


After surgery, you can spend some time resting in a comfortable recovery room. When you feel ready, you can return home with someone driving you.

Testimonial Image
After having a mild stroke in February, my husband’s eyelids were drooping enough to affect his range of vision. Dr. Sohrab did upper blepharoplasty which resulted in lifting of his upper eyelids, restoring his vision. ( We were also diligent in applying frozen peas in snack size plastic zip loc bags that I had prepared ahead of time and using additional pillows to elevate his head, no lowering of his head to tie shoe laces or pick up things from the floor.)
– Sue G.


212 Total Reviews

What Is Recovery Like for Eyelid Surgery?

Eyelid surgery recovery is typically mild, but it still requires rest and aftercare. You can return home on the same day as your surgery, allowing you to rest and recover from the comfort of your home from day one. Each patient’s healing process can vary slightly, but usually it involves:

  • Planning for someone to drive you home after surgery.
  • Taking about 1 to 2 weeks off from work and physical activity.
  • Experiencing some swelling, mild pain, and bruising, which should improve daily.
  • Closely following your post-procedure instructions to avoid any complications.
  • Visiting Dr. Sohrab for follow-up appointments so she can track your healing and results.
  • Returning to full routines (strenuous activity, exercise) after 6 to 8 weeks.

Blepharoplasty Results Timeline

Eyelid surgery results can be split into two stages: initial results and final results. For best results, it is important to follow all your post-procedure aftercare and then avoid lifestyle factors that can age the eyelids (e.g., excess sun exposure, smoking, rubbing your eyes).

Seeing Initial Results

You can begin to start enjoying your renewed appearance within about 2 weeks once most of your swelling and bruising have faded. At this point, your appearance will already look younger and refreshed.

Seeing Final Results

Your eyelid tissues will continue to settle over the next few months as residual swelling resolves. You likely will not notice this swelling, but it can still slightly alter how your results look. Once it fades, you will see your final results.

Your Results Duration

Duration can vary, but Dr. Sohrab designs each procedure to provide maximum longevity of results. Upper blepharoplasty improvements last an average of 5 to 7 years, while lower blepharoplasty results are usually longer (10+ years for most patients).

Schedule Your Consultation

Blepharoplasty is about more than eliminating signs of aging, it is about bringing out the best in your natural features. Start by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Sohrab for eyelid surgery in Darien to take the first step in seeing an appearance you will love for years.